of Prof. Dr. Stuart Brody (by subject area)
Note that the interdisciplinary nature of many of the publications results in many publications being listed under multiple subjects. The lists exclude abstracts, conference papers, lectures, journal website postings, papers submitted for publication, and papers in preparation.
PubMed (Medline), Google Scholar, Web of Science (ISI, Researcher ID), and PsycInfo listings: click here
(or click here to return to home page)
publications) |
Costa, R.M., & Brody, S. (2015). Female sexual function and heart rate variability. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, in press.
Costa, R.M., & Brody, S. (2012). Greater resting heart rate variability is associated with orgasms through penile-vaginal intercourse, but not with orgasms from other sources. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9, 188-197.
Brody, S. (2010). Body mass index but not pulse pressure is associated with lesser penile-vaginal intercourse frequency in healthy young men. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 1853-1857.
S. (2006).
Blood pressure reactivity to stress is better for people who recently
had penile-vaginal intercourse than for people who had other or no
sexual activity. Biological Psychology, 71, 214-222.
E., Landau,
D., Brody, S., & Schächinger,
(2004). Relaxation increases parasympathetic activity and improves
incidental memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 81, 167-171.
Schächinger, H.,
Port, J.,
Brody, S., Linder, L., Wilhelm, F., Huber, P. R., Cox, D., &
Keller, U. (2004). Increased high-frequency heart rate
variability during insulin-induced hypoglycemia in healthy humans.
Clinical Science, 106, 583-588.
S. (2003).
Exercise intensity and risk of coronary heart disease. JAMA (Journal of
the American Medical Association), 289, 419.
S., &
Preut, R. (2003). Vaginal intercourse frequency and heart rate
variability. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 29, 371-380.
S., &
Preut, R. (2002). Cannabis, tobacco and caffeine use modify the blood
pressure reactivity protection of ascorbic acid. Pharmacology,
Biochemistry and Behavior, 72, 811-816.
S., Preut,
R., Schommer, K.,
& Schürmeyer,
T. H. (2002). A randomized
controlled trial of high dose ascorbic acid for reduction of blood
pressure, cortisol, and
responses to psychological stress. Psychopharmacology, 159, 319-324.
S., Veit,
R., & Rau, H. (2000). A preliminary report relating frequency
vaginal intercourse to heart rate variability, Valsalva
ratio, blood pressure, and cohabitation status. Biological Psychology,
52, 251-257.
S., Veit,
R., & Rau, H. (1999). Four-year test-retest reliability of
self-measured blood pressure. Archives of Internal Medicine, 159,
Krause, C., Veit, R., & Rau, H. (1998). Cardiovascular
autonomic dysregulation
in users of MDMA (“Ecstacy“).
Psychopharmacology, 136,
S., Angrilli, A.,
Weiss, U., Birbaumer,
N., Mini, A., Veit, R., & Rau, H. (1997). Somatosensory
evoked potentials during baroreceptor
stimulation in chronic low back pain patients and normal controls.
International Journal of Psychophysiology, 25, 201-210.
S., Veit,
R., & Rau, H. (1997). Lie scores are associated with less
cardiovascular reactivity to baroreceptor
stimulation and to mental arithmetic stress. Personality and Individual
Differences, 22, 677-681.
Brody, S., Beck, K., Veit, R., & Rau, H. (1997). Differential
β- and α-adrenergic activation under psychological
stress. European Journal of Applied Physiology and
Physiology, 75, 256-262.
R., Brody,
S., & Rau, H. (1997). Four-year stability of cardiovascular
reactivity to psychological stress. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 20,
S., Veit,
R., & Rau, H. (1996). Neuroticism but not cardiovascular stress
reactivity is associated with less longitudinal blood pressure
increase. Personality and Individual Differences, 20, 375-380.
H., &
Brody, S. (1996). Waveform reliability of the phase related external
suction baroreceptor
manipulation method. Biological
Psychology, 43, 187-194.
H., Weitkunat, R., Brody, S., Bührer, M., Jonak, M., &
Montoya, P. (1996). Biofeedback
R-wave to pulse interval produces differential learning of blood
pressure control. Scandinavian Journal of Behaviour
Therapy, 25, 17-25.
Müller, M.
M., Rau, H.,
Brody, S., Elbert, T., & Heinle,
(1995). The relationship between habitual anger coping and serum lipid
and lipoprotein concentrations. Biological Psychology, 41, 69-81.
Weitkunat, R.,
Rau, H.,
& Brody, S. (1995). Antihypertensive treatment, compliance, and
quality of life: Review of a little understood relation. Journal of
Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 2, 179-194.
S., Maier,
C., Montoya, P., & Rau, H. (1994). Speaking from the heart:
Cardiovascular components of stress rating changes and the relative
reactivity of physiological and psychological variables. European
Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 69, 277-280.
S., &
Rau, H. (1994). Hypertension
octet. Lancet, 344, 692.
S., & Rau, H. (1994). Behavioral
psychophysiological predictors of self-monitored 19 month blood
pressure change in normotensives.
of Psychosomatic Research, 38, 885-891.
Droste, C., Kardos, A., Brody, S., Greenlee,
M. W., Roskamm, H.,
& Rau, H. (1994). Baroreceptor
stimulation: Pain perception and
sensory thresholds. Biological Psychology, 37, 101-113.
Kardos, A.,
Rau, H.,
Greenlee, M. W., Droste,
C., Brody, S.,
& Roskamm, H.
(1994). Reduced pain
during baroreceptor
stimulation in
patients with symptomatic and silent myocardial ischemia.
Cardiovascular Research, 28, 515-518.
H., &
Brody, S. (1994). Psychoneurocardiology:
Psychosomatic and somatopsychic
to hypertension research. Integrative Physiological and Behavioral
Science, 29, 348-354.
H., Brody,
S., Larbig, W., Pauli,
P., Vöhringer,
M., Harsch, B., Kröling,
P., & Birbaumer,
N. (1994). Effects of
PRES baroreceptor
stimulation on thermal
and mechanical pain threshold in borderline hypertensives
and normotensives. Psychophysiology,
31, 480-485.
H., Brody, S., Brunia, C. H. M., Damen, E. P. J., & Elbert, T.
(1993). Activation
carotid baroreceptors
inhibits spinal
reflexes in man. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology,
89, 328-334.
H., Brody, S., Droste, C., & Kardos, A. (1993). Blood
changes validate phase related external suction, a controlled method
for stimulation of human baroreceptors.
European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 67,
H., Pauli, P., Brody,
S., Elbert, T., & Birbaumer,
N. (1993). Baroreceptor
stimulation alters cortical activity. Psychophysiology, 30, 322-325.
H., Schweizer, R., Zhuang,
P., Pauli, P., Brody,
S., Larbig, W., Heinle,
H., Müller,
M., Elbert, T., Dworkin,
B., & Birbaumer,
N. (1993). Cigarette smoking, blood lipids, and baroreceptor-modulated
Psychopharmacology, 110, 337-341.
Weitkunat, R.,
Brody, S., Knost, B.,
Schneider, D., Fleisch,
J., Pauli, P., Bührer,
M., Birbaumer, N.,
& Rau, H. (1993).
Voluntary blood pressure control: Operant conditioning by a continuous
blood pressure feedback technique. Scandinavian Journal of Behaviour Therapy, 22, 178-190.
Brody, S. & Weiss, P. (2015). Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: Interrelationships and psychosexual factors. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12, 398-404.
K., Brody, S., Krejčová, L., Husárová, B., &
Binter, J. (2015). Sexual satisfaction, sexual compatibility, and
relationship adjustment in couples: the role of sexual behaviors,
orgasm and men’s discernment of women’s intercourse orgasm.
Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12, 667-675.
S. (2013). Hypochondriasis: Attentional, sensory, and cognitive
factors. Psychosomatics, 54, 98.
S., & Costa, R.M. (2013). Insecure attachment is related
more anal sex and vibrator orgasm but less vaginal orgasm. Journal of
Sexual Medicine, 10, 614-615.
Brody, S., Hess, U., & Costa, R.M. (2013). “Standard
Procedures for Female Orgasmic Disorder” is not based on best
Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10, 2606-2609.
Brody, S., Klapilova, K., & Krejčová, L. (2013).
More frequent
vaginal orgasm is associated with experiencing greater excitement from
deep vaginal stimulation. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10, 1730-1736.
Brody, S., & Nicholson, S. (2013). Immature psychological
mechanisms are associated with women’s greater desire for and
engaging in masturbation. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 28, 419-430.
Brody, S., & Weiss, P. (2013). Slimmer women's waist is
with better erectile function in men independent of age. Archives of
Sexual Behavior, 42, 1191-1198.
Costa, R.M., & Brody, S. (2013). Immature psychological defense
mechanisms are associated with greater personal importance of junk
food, alcohol, and television. Psychiatry Research, 209, 535-539.
Costa, R.M., Miller, G.F., & Brody, S. (2013). Penis size and
vaginal orgasm. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10, 2875-2876.
Leeners, B., Kruger, T.H.C., Brody, S., Schmidlin, S., Naegeli, E.,
& Egli, M. (2013). The quality of sexual experience in women
correlates with post-orgasmic prolactin surges: results from an
experimental prototype study. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10, 1313-1319.
Brody, S. (2012). Vaginal intercourse orgasm consistency accounts for
concordance of vaginal and subjective sexual arousal. Archives of
Sexual Behavior, 41, 1073-1075.
Brody, S., & Carson, C. M. (2012). Self-harm is associated with
immature defense mechanisms but not substance use in a nonclinical
Scottish adolescent sample. Journal of Adolescence, 35, 765-767.
Brody, S., & Costa, R.M. (2012). Sexual satisfaction and health
positively associated with penile-vaginal intercourse but not other
sexual activities. American Journal of Public Health, 102, 6-7.
Brody, S., Costa, R.M., & Hess, U. (2012). Immature
defense mechanisms and the misrepresentations of some sex researchers.
Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 27, 243-259.
Brody, S., Costa, R. M., & Hess, U. (2012). Sometimes a bear is
just a bear: No evidence of nonclinical adult toy animal ownership
indicating emotion dysregulation. Journal of Adult Development, 19,
Brody, S., Simard, A., & Hess, U. (2012). Men’s
sexual activity and
perceptions of the facial attractiveness of unknown women. Sexual and
Relationship Therapy, 27, 372-376.
Brody, S., & Weiss, P. (2012). Simultaneous penile-vaginal
is associated with sexual satisfaction. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9,
Costa, R.M., & Brody, S. (2012). Greater resting heart rate
variability is associated with orgasms through penile-vaginal
intercourse, but not with orgasms from other sources. Journal of Sexual
Medicine, 9, 188-197.
Costa, R.M. & Brody, S. (2012). Sexual Satisfaction,
Satisfaction, and Health Are Associated with Greater Frequency of
Penile-Vaginal Intercourse. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41, 9-10.
Costa, R.M., Miller, G.F., & Brody, S. (2012). Women who prefer
longer penises are more likely to have vaginal orgasms (but not
clitoral orgasms): implications for an evolutionary theory of vaginal
orgasm. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9, 3079-3088.
Jannini, E.A., Rubio-Casillas, A., Whipple, B., Buisson, O., Komisaruk,
B.R., & Brody, S. (2012). Female orgasm(s): one, two, several.
Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9, 956-965.
Brody, S., Costa, R.M., Hess, U., & Weiss, P. (2011). Vaginal
orgasm is related to better mental health and is relevant to
evolutionary psychology: A response to Zietsch et al. Journal of Sexual
Medicine, 8, 3523-3525.
Brody, S., & Weiss, P. (2011). Heterosexual anal intercourse:
increasing prevalence, and association with sexual dysfunction,
bisexual behavior and venereal disease history. Journal of Sex
Marital Therapy, 37, 298-306. DOI: 10.1080/0092623X.2011.582436
(Note: the paper was originally published in issue 4 containing
copyeditor errors, and was reprinted in issue 5 using the same page
numbers, along with the erratum notice:
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 37, 448. DOI:
Brody, S. & Weiss, P. (2011). Simultaneous penile-vaginal
intercourse orgasm is associated with satisfaction (sexual, life,
partnership, and mental health). Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8, 734-741.
Costa, R.M., & Brody, S. (2011). Anxious and avoidant
vibrator use, anal sex, and impaired vaginal orgasm. Journal of Sexual
Medicine, 8, 2493-2500.
Komisaruk, B.R., Wise, N., Frangos, E., Liu, W-C., Allen, K., &
Brody, S. (2011). Women's clitoris, vagina and cervix mapped on the
sensory cortex: fMRI evidence. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8, 2822-2830.
Tao, P., & Brody, S. (2011). Sexual behavior predictors of
satisfaction in a Chinese sample. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8,
Weiss, P., & Brody, S. (2011). International index of erectile
function (IIEF) scores generated by men or female partners correlate
equally well with own satisfaction (sexual, partnership, life, and
mental health). Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8, 1404-1410.
Brody, S. (2010). The relative health benefits of different sexual
activities. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 1336-1361.
Brody, S., Houde, S., & Hess, U. (2010). Greater tactile
sensitivity and less use of immature psychological defense mechanisms
predict women’s penile-vaginal intercourse orgasm. Journal of
Medicine, 7, 3057-3065.
Brody, S., & Potterat, J. J. (2010). Assessing mental health
personality disorder in prostitute women. Acta Psychiatrica
Scandinavica, 122, 167.
Brody, S., & Weiss, P. (2010). Vaginal orgasm is associated
vaginal (not clitoral) sex education, focusing mental attention on
vaginal sensations, intercourse duration, and a preference for a longer
penis. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 2774-2781.
Costa, R. M., & Brody, S. (2010). Immature psychological
mechanisms are associated with lesser vaginal orgasm consistency and
greater alcohol consumption before sex. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7,
Costa, R. M., & Brody, S. (2010). Greater frequency of
penile-vaginal intercourse without condoms is associated with better
mental health. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39, 1-2.
Brody, S. (2009). Phosphodiesterase inhibitors and vaginal intercourse
orgasm. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 20, 440.
Brody, S., & Costa, R. M. (2009). Satisfaction (sexual, life,
relationship, and mental health) is associated directly with
penile-vaginal intercourse but inversely with other sexual behavior
frequencies. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 6, 1947-1954.
Brody, S., & Costa, R. M. (2009). Overestimation of
attributed AIDS deaths is associated with immature psychological
defence mechanisms and clitoral masturbation during penile-vaginal
intercourse. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 20, 869-875.
Tao, P., Guoying, D., & Brody, S. (2009). Preliminary Study of
Chinese Language Short Form of the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability
Scale. Psychological Reports, 105, 1039-1046.
Weiss, P., & Brody, S. (2009). Women’s partnered
orgasm consistency
is associated with greater duration of penile-vaginal intercourse but
not of foreplay. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 6, 135-141.
Weiss, P., & Brody, S. (2009). Female sexual arousal disorder
and without a distress criterion: prevalence and correlates in a
representative Czech sample. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 6, 3385-3394.
Brody, S., & Costa, R. M. (2008). Vaginal orgasm is associated
less use of immature psychological defense mechanisms. Journal of
Sexual Medicine, 5, 1167-1176.
Brody, S., Fischer, A. H., & Hess, U. (2008). Women’s
sensitivity correlates with partnered sexual behavior but not solitary
masturbation frequencies. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 34,
Costa, R. M., & Brody, S. (2008). Condom use for penile-vaginal
intercourse is associated with immature psychological defense
mechanisms. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 5, 2522-2532.
Nicholas, A., Brody, S., de Sutter, P., & de Carufel, F.
(2008). A
woman’s history of vaginal orgasm is discernible from her
walk. Journal
of Sexual Medicine, 5, 2119-2124.
Brody, S. (2007). Intercourse orgasm consistency, concordance of
women’s genital and subjective sexual arousal, and erotic
presentation sequence. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 33,
Brody, S. (2007). Vaginal orgasm is associated with better
psychological function. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 22, 173-191.
Costa, R. M. & Brody, S. (2007). Women’s relationship
quality is
associated with specifically penile-vaginal intercourse orgasm and
frequency. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 33, 319-327.
Brody, S. (2006). Penile-vaginal intercourse is better: Evidence trumps
ideology. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 21, 393-403.
Brody, S. (2006). Blood pressure reactivity to stress is better for
people who recently had penile-vaginal intercourse than for people who
had other or no sexual activity. Biological Psychology, 71, 214-222.
Brody, S., & Krüger, T.H.C. (2006). The post-orgasmic
increase following intercourse is greater than following masturbation
and suggests greater satiety. Biological Psychology, 71, 312-315.
Brody, S., Potterat, J. J., Muth, S. Q., & Woodhouse, D. E.
Psychiatric and characterological factors relevant to excess mortality
in a long-term cohort of prostitute women. Journal of Sex &
Therapy, 31, 97-112.
Brody, S. (2004). Slimness is associated with greater intercourse and
lesser masturbation frequency. Journal of Sex & Marital
30, 251-261.
Nava, E., Landau, D., Brody, S., & Schächinger, H.
Relaxation increases parasympathetic activity and improves incidental
memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 81, 167-171.
Brody, S. (2003). Alexithymia is inversely associated with
frequency of vaginal intercourse. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 32,
Brody, S., Laan, E., & van Lunsen, R. H. W. (2003). Concordance
between women’s physiological and subjective sexual arousal
associated with consistency of orgasm during intercourse but not other
sexual behavior. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 29, 15-23.
Brody, S., & Preut, R. (2003). Vaginal intercourse frequency
heart rate variability. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 29,
Brody, S. (2002). High-dose ascorbic acid increases intercourse
frequency and improves mood: A randomized controlled clinical trial.
Biological Psychiatry, 52, 371-374.
Brody, S., Preut, R., Schommer, K., & Schürmeyer, T.
H. (2002). A
randomized controlled trial of high dose ascorbic acid for reduction of
blood pressure, cortisol, and subjective responses to psychological
stress. Psychopharmacology, 159, 319-324.
Brody, S. (2000). Foreword to H. J. Eysenck, Smoking, Health, and
Personality. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. ISBN:
Brody, S., Veit, R., & Rau, H. (2000). A preliminary report
relating frequency of vaginal intercourse to heart rate variability,
Valsalva ratio, blood pressure, and cohabitation status. Biological
Psychology, 52, 251-257.
Brody, S., Wagner, D., Heinrichs, M., James, A., Hellhammer, D.,
Ehlert, U. (2000). Social desirability scores are associated with
higher morning cortisol levels in firefighters. Journal of
Psychosomatic Research, 49, 227-228.
Brody, S., Rau, H., Erb, C., & Veit, R. (1999). Intraocular
pressure changes: the influence of psychological stress and the
Valsalva maneuver. Biological Psychology, 51, 43-57.
Potterat, J. J., & Brody, S. (1999). Interpretation of research
sexual abuse of boys. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical
Association, 281, 2185-2186.
Brody, S., Krause, C., Veit, R., & Rau, H. (1998).
autonomic dysregulation in users of MDMA
Psychopharmacology, 136, 390-393.
Erb, C., Brody, S., & Rau, H. (1998). [Einfluß von
mentalem und
physischem Streß auf den intraokulären Druck
– eine Pilotstudie].
Influence of mental and physical stress on intraocular pressure - a
pilot study. Klinische Monatsblätter für
Augenheilkunde, 212, 270-274.
Brody, S. (1997). Sex at risk: Lifetime number of partners, frequency
of intercourse, and the low AIDS risk of vaginal intercourse. New
Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. ISBN: 1-56000-309-X.
Brody, S., Veit, R., & Rau, H. (1997). Lie scores are
with less cardiovascular reactivity to baroreceptor stimulation and to
mental arithmetic stress. Personality and Individual Differences, 22,
Brody, S., Rau, H., Führer, N., Hillebrand, H.,
Rüdiger, D., &
Braun, M. (1996). Traditional ideology as an inhibitor of sexual
behavior. Journal of Psychology, 130, 615-626.
Brody, S. (1995). Patients misrepresenting their risk factors for AIDS.
International Journal of STD & AIDS, 6, 392-398.
Brody, S. (1994). Traditional ideology, stress, and psychotherapy use.
Journal of Psychology, 128, 5-13.
Pauli, P., Schwenzer, M., Brody, S., Rau, H., & Birbaumer, N.
(1993). Hypochondriacal attitudes, pain sensitivity, and attentional
bias. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 37, 745-752.
Ehrlich, P. M., & Brody, S. (1985). Biofeedback and asthma. In
H. Young, J.M. Rubin and H. Daman, (Eds.), Psychobiological Aspects of
Allergic Disorders (pp. 326-333). New York: Prager. ISBN: 0030638461.
Brody, S. (1984). The relationship of traditional ideology and life
stress to attitude toward and use of psychotherapy. Ph.D. dissertation,
Fordham University. (Also: 1985 Dissertation Abstracts International,
46, 1675-B. Order No. 8515892.)
Brody, S., & Wolitzky, D.L. (1983). Lack of mood changes
following sucrose loading. Psychosomatics, 24, 155-162.
Potterat, J.J., Brewer, D.D., Gisselquist, D., & Brody, S. (2012). Sexual Behavior, HIV and South African Youth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 50, 207-208.
Potterat, J.J., Brewer, D.D., & Brody, S. (2011). Receptive anal intercourse as a potential risk factor for rectal cancer. Cancer, 117, 3284.
D.D., Potterat,
J.J., Muth,
S.Q., & Brody, S. (2007).
Converging evidence suggests nonsexual HIV transmission among
adolescents in
Brewer, D. D., Potterat, J. J., Roberts, J. M. Jr., & Brody, S. (2007). Circumcision-related HIV risk and the unknown mechanism of effect in the male circumcision trials. Annals of Epidemiology, 17, 928-929.
Brody, S., Brewer, D.D., & Potterat, J.J. (2007). Association of HIV infection with poor genital hygiene and medical treatment for prior serious illness suggests iatrogenic transmission. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 44, 365-366.
Deuchert, E., & Brody, S. (2007). Plausible and implausible parameters for mathematical modeling of nominal heterosexual HIV transmission. Annals of Epidemiology, 17, 237-244.
Potterat, J. J., & Brody, S. (2006). Research design
determines what can be known about modes of HIV transmission. AIDS, 20,
Deuchert, E.
& Brody,
S. (2006). The role of health care in the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa:
Evidence from
J. J.,
Brewer, D.D., Muth, S. Q., & Brody, S. (2006). The
effect of male circumcision as a faith lift for the troubled paradigm
of HIV epidemiology in sub-Saharan
S., &
Potterat, J. J. (2005). HIV epidemiology in
Potterat, J. J., Muth, S. Q., & Woodhouse, D. E. (2005).
Psychiatric and characterological
relevant to excess mortality in a long-term cohort of prostitute women.
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 31, 97-112.
S. (2004).
Declining HIV rates in
Brody, S. (2004). Sexual factors and prostate cancer. BJU
International (British Journal of Urology), 93, 180.
Brody, S. (2004). Les
préventives essentielles contre le VIH/SIDA sont
prévention de la transmission médicale, des
avertissements concernant
les rapports sexuels anaux et une réorientation de la
In P.
Lannoye (Ed.), Le sida en Afrique - Quelles priorités pour
sanitaire? Actes du Colloque organisé le 8
décembre 2003
au Parlement
européen (pp. 119-129). Embourg, Belgium: Marco
ISBN: 2-87434-021-9.
S., &
Potterat, J. J. (2004). Establishing valid AIDS monitoring and research
in countries with generalized epidemics. International Journal of STD
& AIDS, 15, 1-6.
S., &
Potterat, J. J. (2004). Autoinoculation of human papillomavirus
and vaginal transmission of human immunodeficiency virus: An appeal for
rigorous verification. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 31, 65-66.
Gisselquist, D.,
J. J., & Brody, S. (2004). HIV transmission during paediatric health care in
Gisselquist, D.,
J. J., & Brody, S. (2004). Debate about iatrogenic HIV
should not be a pretext for inaction. International Journal of STD
& AIDS, 15, 623-625.
Gisselquist, D.,
J. J., & Brody, S. (2004). Running on empty: sexual cofactors
insufficient to fuel
Gisselquist, D.,
J. J., Brody, S., & Minkin,
S. F.
(2004). Does selected ecologic evidence give a true picture of HIV
transmission in
J. J.,
Brewer, D., Muth, S. Q., Rothenberg, R. B., Woodhouse, D. E., Muth, J.
B., Stites, H. K.,
& Brody, S. (2004).
Mortality in a long-term open cohort of prostitute women.
American Journal of Epidemiology, 159, 778-785.
J. J., Gisselquist, D.,
& Brody, S. (2004). Still
not understanding the uneven spread of HIV within
S. (2003).
Exercise intensity and risk of coronary heart disease. JAMA (Journal of
the American Medical Association), 289, 419.
S., Gisselquist, D.,
Potterat, J. J., & Drucker,
E. (2003). Evidence of iatrogenic HIV
transmission in children in
S., Gisselquist, D.,
Potterat, J. J., & Drucker,
E. M. (2003). Health care transmission
of HIV in South African children. AIDScience,
3(14), published online July 15, 2003 at:
S., &
Potterat, J. J. (2003). Assessing the role of anal intercourse in the
epidemiology of AIDS in
Gisselquist, D.,
E., Potterat, J., Minkin,
S. F., &
Brody, S. (2003). Four policies to reduce HIV transmission through unsterile health care.
International Journal of
STD & AIDS, 14, 717-722.
Gisselquist, D.,
J. J., Brody, S., & Vachon,
F. (2003).
Let it be sexual: how health care transmission of AIDS in
Gisselquist, D.,
J. J., Rothenberg, R., Drucker,
E. M.,
Brody, S., Brewer, D. D., & Minkin,
(2003). Examining the hypothesis that sexual transmission drives
J. J.,
Darrow, W.,
Brewer, D.,
Brody, S., Muth, J., Muth, S., Woodhouse, D. (2001). From the ASTDA:
John Potterat—Friend, Colleague, Runner, and Special
Award Winner. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 28, 683.
Potterat, J. J., & Brody, S. (2002). HIV epidemicity
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H. (2004). Selective
processing of food words during insulin induced hypoglycemia in healthy
humans. Psychopharmacology,
173, 217-220.
H., Port, J., Brody, S., Linder, L., Wilhelm, F., Huber, P. R., Cox,
D., & Keller, U. (2004). Increased
high-frequency heart rate variability during insulin-induced
hypoglycemia in healthy humans. Clinical Science, 106, 583-588.
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Droste, C., Kardos, A., Brody, S., Greenlee,
M.W., Roskamm, H.,
& Rau, H. (1994). Baroreceptor
stimulation: Pain perception and
sensory thresholds. Biological Psychology, 37, 101-113.
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C., Brody, S.,
& Roskamm, H.
(1994). Reduced pain
during baroreceptor
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patients with symptomatic and silent myocardial ischemia.
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N. (1994). Effects of
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H., Miltner, W., Brody, S., & Braun, C. (1994). Classical
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N. (1993). Effects of smoking on
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P., Schwenzer, M., Brody, S., Rau, H., & Birbaumer, N. (1993). Hypochondriacal
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of Psychosomatic Research, 37, 745-752.
H., Schweizer, R., Zhuang, P., Pauli, P., Brody, S., Larbig, W.,
Heinle, H., Müller, M., Elbert, T., Dworkin, B., &
N. (1993). Cigarette
smoking, blood lipids, and baroreceptor-modulated
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Brody, S. & Weiss, P. (2014). Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: Interrelationships and psychosexual factors. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12, 398-404.
Brody, S., & Costa, R. M. (2013). Associations of immature defense mechanisms with personal importance of junk food, television and alcohol, are independent of age. Psychiatry Research, 210, 1327-1328.
Brody, S., & Costa, R.M. (2013). Insecure attachment is related to more anal sex and vibrator orgasm but less vaginal orgasm. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10, 614-615.
Brody, S., & Nicholson, S. (2013). Immature psychological defense mechanisms are associated with women’s greater desire for and actual engaging in masturbation. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 28, 419-430.
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Nicholas, A., Brody, S., de Sutter, P., & de Carufel, F. (2008). A woman’s history of vaginal orgasm is discernible from her walk. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 5, 2119-2124.
S. (2007).
Vaginal orgasm is associated with better psychological function. Sexual
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Costa, R. M. & Brody, S. (2007). Women’s relationship quality is associated with specifically penile-vaginal intercourse orgasm and frequency. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 33, 319-327.
Hess, U., Brody, S., Van Der Schalk, J., & Fischer, A. H. (2007). Sexual activity is inversely related to women's perceptions of the facial attractiveness of unknown men. Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 1991-1997.Brody,
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U. (2000). Social desirability scores are associated with higher
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R., & Rau, H. (1997). Lie scores are associated with less
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Pauli, P., Schwenzer, M., Brody, S., Rau,
H., & Birbaumer,
N. (1993). Hypochondriacal
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H. (2004). Selective
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173, 217-220.
H., Port, J., Brody, S., Linder, L., Wilhelm, F., Huber, P. R., Cox,
D., & Keller, U. (2004). Increased
high-frequency heart rate variability during insulin-induced
hypoglycemia in healthy humans. Clinical Science, 106, 583-588.
H., Cox, D., Linder, L., Brody, S., & Keller, U. (2003). Cognitive
psychomotor function in hypoglycemia: Response error
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S. (2002).
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mood: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Biological Psychiatry,
52, 371-374.
S., &
Preut, R. (2002). Cannabis, tobacco and caffeine use modify the blood
pressure reactivity protection of ascorbic acid. Pharmacology,
Biochemistry and Behavior, 72, 811-816.
S., Preut,
R., Schommer, K.,
& Schürmeyer,
T. H. (2002). A randomized
controlled trial of high dose ascorbic acid for reduction of blood
pressure, cortisol, and
responses to psychological stress. Psychopharmacology, 159, 319-324.
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Brody, S., & Birbaumer,
N. (1993). Effects of smoking on
thermal pain threshold in deprived and minimally deprived habitual
smokers. Psychopharmacology,
111, 472-476.
H., Schweizer, R., Zhuang, P., Pauli, P., Brody, S., Larbig, W.,
Heinle, H., Müller, M., Elbert, T., Dworkin, B., &
N. (1993). Cigarette
smoking, blood lipids, and baroreceptor-modulated
Psychopharmacology, 110, 337-341.
S., & Wolitzky,
D. L. (1983). Lack of mood changes
following sucrose loading. Psychosomatics, 24, 155-162.
Leeners, B., Kruger, T.H.C., Brody, S., Schmidlin, S., Naegeli, E., & Egli, M. (2013). The quality of sexual experience in women correlates with post-orgasmic prolactin surges: results from an experimental prototype study. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10, 1313-1319.
Brody, S., Costa, R. M., & Hess, U. (2012). Sometimes a bear is just a bear: No evidence of nonclinical adult toy animal ownership indicating emotion dysregulation. Journal of Adult Development, 19, 177-180.
Costa, R.M., & Brody, S. (2012). Greater resting heart rate variability is associated with orgasms through penile-vaginal intercourse, but not with orgasms from other sources. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9, 188-197.
B.R., Wise, N., Frangos, E., Liu, W-C., Allen, K., & Brody, S.
(2011). Women's clitoris, vagina and cervix mapped on the sensory
cortex: fMRI evidence. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8, 2822-2830.
S., Houde, S., & Hess, U. (2010). Greater tactile sensitivity
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Brody, S., Fischer, A. H., & Hess, U. (2008). Women’s
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S. (2007).
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E., Landau,
D., Brody, S., & Schächinger,
(2004). Relaxation increases parasympathetic activity and improves
incidental memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 81, 167-171.
Schächinger, H.,
Port, J.,
Brody, S., Linder, L., Wilhelm, F., Huber, P. R., Cox, D., &
Keller, U. (2004). Increased high-frequency heart rate
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S., Laan,
E., & van Lunsen, R. H. W. (2003). Concordance between
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Biochemistry and Behavior, 72, 811-816.
S., Preut,
R., Schommer, K.,
& Schürmeyer,
T. H. (2002). A randomized
controlled trial of high dose ascorbic acid for reduction of blood
pressure, cortisol, and
responses to psychological stress. Psychopharmacology, 159, 319-324.
S., Veit,
R., & Rau, H. (2000). A preliminary report relating frequency
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Krause, C., Veit, R., & Rau, H. (1998). Cardiovascular
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C., Brody, S., & Rau, H. (1998). [Einfluß von
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S., Angrilli, A., Weiss, U., Birbaumer, N., Mini, A., Veit, R.,
Rau, H. (1997). Somatosensory evoked
potentials during baroreceptor
in chronic low back pain patients and normal controls. International
Journal of Psychophysiology, 25, 201-210.
S., Veit,
R., & Rau, H. (1997). Lie scores are associated with less
cardiovascular reactivity to baroreceptor
stimulation and to mental arithmetic stress. Personality and Individual
Differences, 22, 677-681.
Brody, S., Beck, K., Veit, R., & Rau, H. (1997). Differential
β- and α-adrenergic activation under psychological
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R., Brody,
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R., & Rau, H. (1996). Neuroticism but not cardiovascular stress
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increase. Personality and Individual Differences, 20, 375-380.
H., Weitkunat, R.,
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& Montoya, P. (1996).
Biofeedback of R-wave to pulse interval produces differential learning
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Therapy, 25, 17-25.
Müller, M.
M., Rau, H.,
Brody, S., Elbert, T., & Heinle,
(1995). The relationship between habitual anger coping and serum lipid
and lipoprotein concentrations. Biological Psychology, 41, 69-81.
S., Maier,
C., Montoya, P., & Rau, H. (1994). Speaking from the heart:
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S., &
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S., & Rau, H. (1994). Behavioral
psychophysiological predictors of self-monitored 19 month blood
pressure change in normotensives.
of Psychosomatic Research, 38, 885-891.
Droste, C., Kardos, A., Brody, S., Greenlee,
M. W., Roskamm, H.,
& Rau, H. (1994). Baroreceptor
stimulation: Pain perception and
sensory thresholds. Biological Psychology, 37, 101-113.
Kardos, A.,
Rau, H.,
Greenlee, M. W., Droste,
C., Brody, S.,
& Roskamm, H.
(1994). Reduced pain
during baroreceptor
stimulation in
patients with symptomatic and silent myocardial ischemia.
Cardiovascular Research, 28, 515-518.
Miltner, W., Matjak, M., Braun, C., Diekmann,
H., & Brody, S. (1994). Emotional qualities of odors and their
influence on the startle reflex in humans. Psychophysiology, 31,
H., &
Brody, S. (1994). Psychoneurocardiology:
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to hypertension research. Integrative Physiological and Behavioral
Science, 29, 348-354.
H., Brody,
S., Larbig, W., Pauli,
P., Vöhringer,
M., Harsch, B., Kröling,
P., & Birbaumer,
N. (1994). Effects of
PRES baroreceptor
stimulation on thermal
and mechanical pain threshold in borderline hypertensives
and normotensives. Psychophysiology,
31, 480-485.
H., Miltner, W., Brody, S., & Braun, C. (1994). Classical
conditioning of pain responses. International Journal of Neuroscience,
78, 21-32.
H., Pauli, P., Brody,
S., Elbert, T., & Birbaumer,
N. (1993). Baroreceptor
stimulation alters cortical activity. Psychophysiology, 30, 322-325.
H., Schweizer, R., Zhuang,
P., Pauli, P., Brody,
S., Larbig, W., Heinle,
H., Müller,
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